Invest In Me
Invest in student scholarships
People come to VCU from every imaginable walk of life to achieve their dreams, making our student body the most diverse of any university in Virginia. We believe a VCU education should be within reach of anyone motivated enough to pursue one.
Your support for the Invest in Me campaign helps fund scholarships that reward excellence and achievement; open doors to opportunity and eliminate barriers to access; and nurture talent across every field from the performing arts, social work and athletics to medicine, math, engineering and beyond.
Your investment in scholarships at VCU can make a college degree accessible for any student, helping them stay the course through graduation. You can eliminate or reduce a student’s need to work and help them focus on studying instead. Most importantly, you can show a student that they are where they belong, that they are supported and that someone believes in them.
Making a gift in one of the campaign’s three priority areas of Excellence, Opportunity or Talent provides money that can go to students today to have an immediate impact on their lives.
To support students in perpetuity with an endowed scholarship in the campus area of your choice, contact Chad Krouse, Ed.D. (Ed.D.’18/E), assistant vice president for University Development, at (804) 828-2346 or

Living the dream
The high cost of medical school is a risky undertaking for a nontraditional student whose family depends on them, but scholarships reduced this aspiring doctor’s need for student loans and fueled her drive to succeed.

Above and beyond
An ambitious business student juggled the responsibilities of his extracurricular involvement while maintaining an impressive GPA. His hard work earned him a scholarship, bringing financial relief and a sense of recognition.

With personal grit and support from scholarships, a nontraditional dentistry student changed the course of his life. Now he provides dental care that improves the lives of in-need patients in underserved communities.

Family values
Scholarships enable a pre-medical student to honor the sacrifices his family made to make his education possible as he pursues a career in medicine that combines his social nature and his passion for helping others.