2019 Excellence in Virginia Government Awards Luncheon

The L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University is pleased to announce the 13th Excellence in Virginia Government Awards. EVGA celebrates people and organizations in the public and private sectors who have made significant contributions to the practice of government and the well-being of our communities and citizens.
The program also supports scholarships for two deserving students each academic year. The program and these scholarships are solely funded by financial sponsorships and contributions.
When: Noon-2 p.m. Thursday, April 11
Where: Richmond Marriott, 500 E. Broad St., Richmond, VA 23219
Title sponsor: $15,000 (tax-deductible portion: $13,200)
- Preferential seating for two individuals at the head table at the EVGA event
- Three tables (10 seats per table) at the event
- Option to be seated with Wilder School leadership, faculty and/or students at reserved luncheon tables
- Recognition
- Prominent recognition in remarks during the VIP Reception
- Top mention in remarks during EVGA event program
- Individual recognition in recipient videos and Richmond Times-Dispatch promotional advertisement
- Top recognition in event programs and signage; event invitations
- Priority recognition in social media mentions
- Priority recognition on EVGA page in Wilder School website
- Exhibition table outside the luncheon area
- Invitations to the VIP Reception at the Richmond Marriott immediately before the EVGA luncheon Thursday, April 11
Reception sponsor: $10,000 (tax-deductible portion: $8,800)
- Preferential seating for one individual at the head table at the EVGA event
- Two tables (10 seats per table) at the event
- Individual recognition in recipient videos and Richmond Times-Dispatch article
- Recognition
- Prominent recognition in remarks during the VIP Reception
- Top mention in remarks during EVGA event program
- Individual recognition in recipient videos and Richmond Times-Dispatch promotional advertisement
- Top recognition in event programs and signage; event invitations
- Priority recognition in social media mentions
- Priority recognition on EVGA page in Wilder School website
- Exhibition booth outside the luncheon area
- Invitations to the VIP Reception at the Richmond Marriott immediately before the EVGA luncheon Thursday, April 11
Signature sponsor: $7,500 (tax-deductible portion: $6,300)
- Two tables (10 seats per table) at the event
- Recognition
- Priority recognition in event programs and signage; event invitations
- Priority recognition in social media mentions
- Priority recognition on EVGA page in Wilder School website
- Exhibition table outside the luncheon area
- Invitations to the VIP Reception at the Richmond Marriott immediately before the EVGA luncheon Thursday, April 11
Partner sponsor: $3,500 (tax-deductible portion: $2,300)
- Two tables (10 seats per table) at the event
- Recognition
- Recognition in event programs and signage; event invitations
- Recognition in social media mentions
- Recognition on EVGA page in Wilder School website
- Invitations to the VIP Reception at the Richmond Marriott immediately before the EVGA luncheon Thursday, April 11
Table sponsor: $2,000 (tax-deductible portion: $1,400)
- One table (10 seats per table) at the event
- Recognition at the event and in event program materials
- Invitations to the VIP Reception at the Richmond Marriott immediately before the EVGA luncheon Thursday, April 11
Registration is now closed. Please contact Paula Otto, senior director of special projects at the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs, at piotto@vcu.edu or by calling (804) 828-1146 if you need additional information.