Honor a personal Shining Knight

The Shining Knight Gala honors individuals who protect and save lives in Central Virginia. Many individuals recognized as Shining Knights might not otherwise know how much they are appreciated without this special evening.

You can recognize a personal Shining Knight on the Shining Knight Honor Wall with a $50 contribution. Your Shining Knight’s name will be added to the Honor Wall on the Shining Knight Gala’s website. Personal Shining Knights submitted by April 18 will also appear in the gala’s program.

Shining Knights can be EMS providers, nurses, physicians, members of the clergy, community members, family members or anyone who has provided emotional support or physical help at a vital time, serving as a Shining Knight in your life.

Names will be listed alphabetically; if you honor a Shining Knight, you can share your name on the Honor Wall or remain anonymous.

By supporting the Shining Knight Gala, you help sustain vitally important injury and violence prevention programs and trauma and critical care educational programs in Central Virginia. These life-changing and lifesaving programs would not exist without your donations.

We appreciate your support of our mission to prevent injury and violence.

Questions? Contact Amanda Van Thunen, event planner, at amanda.vanthunen@vcuhealth.org.

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